Providing good food that kids love.
Proper nutrition in childhood directly influences capacity to learn.
Our mission is to elevate school lunch and give kids an opportunity to enjoy healthy, whole foods every school day.
Doing our part to help achieve island sustainability.
Our purchasing decisions are fueled by a desire to increase the demand for locally-grown food. A banana that is cut green in Guatemala, shipped to Hawai’i, then subjected ethylene gas (a phytohormone) for quick ripening is not our idea of “good food.”
We’d much rather help financially sustain a local farmer who picks produce at-or-near ripeness, when many of the nutrients are developed to their full potential.
“Dear Happy Bento, thank you for delivering the lunches for our summer program. We really like the food.”
— Adriana, Grade 6, July 2022
(P.S. Y’all got a really good lunch menu)
100% Compostable.
We use trays made from renewable sugarcane and bamboo fibers, not from trees. Our forks are also compostable, both taking just 90 days to naturally decompose.
Keeping our land and water free from microplastics and harmful chemicals is one part of our overall commitment to ensuring a sustainable local agriculture industry in Hawai’i.